Labor Day,is also called May Day,a important internationl holiday,the significance of International Labour Day lies in the fact that workers have won their legitimate rights and interests through struggle and unyielding struggle spirit, which is the historic progress of human civilization and democracy.

The celebration of Labor Day by the Chinese people dates back to 1918. In December 1949, the Central People‘s Government Council designated May 1 as the statutory Labour Day.
Labor creates wealth, labor creates civilization, laborer is the creator of all civilization and wealth, labor divides mental labor and physical labor, mental laborer sums up the experience of physical labor, manual laborer realizes the idea of mental laborer. The significance of May 1 International Labour Day should make people realize this. In particular, mental workers should be more aware of the meaning of labor.

Climatest will have publid holiday during May.1st-May.5th,wish you have a wonderful holiday!

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